The World's Leading Provider of

Blast Curtains & Blast Blankets

Blastac® provides the most reliable ballistic and fire protection products available on the market. Our ballistic curtains and bullet resistant enclosures offer superior durability and performance and can meet a variety of requirements for specific industries. Our world-renown FireMax® product provides superior fire protection when used with any of our ballistic blast curtains or blankets – you can have confidence in our fire safety products. At Blastac®, we use only premium materials when crafting our ballistic blast enclosures, ensuring that they meet leading standards of ballistic frag and fire specifications. With our commitment to providing superior safety and security, Blastac® ballistic curtains and blast blankets are the ultimate choice for blast mitigation, ballistic frag and fire protection. Invest in our ballistic curtains knowing it will provide the quality, efficiency and durable performance you need.




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Blastac® AB Series blast curtains and blast blankets are engineered and manufactured specifically for the high performance demands in the Aerospace industry.

Blastac® CB Series commercial and industrial blast curtains and blast blankets are designed for a wide variety of uses including, frag, debris, pressure, fire and thermal protection.

Blastac® MB Series blast curtains and blast blankets are used in all branches of the U.S. Military as well as the MOD for operations, installations and equipment.

Blastac® SB Series blast curtains are used in the oil and gas industry for offshore rig applications, refineries, pressure testing, and fire / thermal applications. 

Blastac® EA Series blast curtains and blankets are used for arc flash, arc blast, frag, and fire protection in facilities for areas like switchgear. 

Blastac® RP Series industrial blast curtains and blankets are engineered and designed for our test protection enclosures and roof closure applications.

FireMax® fire resistant curtains and blankets are designed for high-temperature applications and arc flash protection. Can be applied to any of our product lines.

Blastac® offers the most extensive line of testing in the industry.  Testing to UL752, ASTM, NFPA, (EN) FB/BR4, ISO, EN, IEC, and NIJ, we perform tests for specific applications.
BlastTac® AB Series ballistic curtains and blankets are engineered and designed primarily for protection across the Aerospace industry.
BlastTac® CB Series commercial and industrial curtains and blankets are engineered and designed primarily for protection across Industrial applications.
BlastTac® MB Series ballistic curtains and blankets are engineered and designed primarily for protection across the Military applications.
BlastTac® SB Series commercial and industrial curtains and blankets are engineered and designed primarily for protection across Gas & Oil industries.
BlastTac® EA Series ballistic curtains and blankets are engineered and designed primarily for protection across power applications.
BlastTac® RP Series commercial and industrial curtains and blankets are engineered and designed primarily for protection for Roofing applications.
FireMax® fire resistant curtains and blankets are designed for high-temperature applications and arc flash protection. Can be applied to any of our products.
Blastac® offers the most extensive line of testing in the industry. Testing to UL752, ASTM, NFPA, (EN) FB/BR4, ISO, EN, IEC, and NIJ, we perform tests for specific applications.



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